Yes you can!

Ladies, if you've had cancer, join Swimming After Surgery and soon you'll be able to face the world

October 2014 to October 2015 has been a wonderful and amazing year.

We have lots to celebrate.

The project in Telford is 5 years old on the 26th October 2015.

Our founder had a second mastectomy in June this year and is now finally classed as cancer free and does not have to attend breast clinic ever again. So 25 years of hospital appointments are finally at an end.

The project has attracted 16 new swimmers to the pool this year alone and have four waiting to complete their treatment before they can attend the swimming sessions.

On 10th October the project will be holding its first ever pink tea party fundraising event, where you’ve guessed it, most things will be pink.

The project has also rebranded its website and publications and with the thanks of Sue Williams from Sioux’s WordPress the website is kept up to date.

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